lunes, 26 de agosto de 2013

What do you think of Norman Cousins’s laugh therapy? Do you think there is any truth to the idea of mind-body interaction? Have you had a medical experience where your mind was stronger than your body?

Language IV          Elizabeth Carro 4th                 CeRP del Este Maldonado

What do you think of Norman Cousins’s laugh therapy? Do you think there is any truth to the idea of mind-body interaction? Have you had a medical experience where your mind was stronger than your body?

Conventional medicine provides the cure for almost any health problems. However, our mental attitude plays a key role in the recovery from illnesses. Norman Cousins’s cure with ‘laugh therapy’ is an amazing case of mind-body interaction. Besides, personally, I experienced successful mental control to diminish pain in two of my baby deliveries. Furthermore, I knew the case of a man who was diagnosed with cancer and died some weeks later because of his negative attitude towards the illness. I strongly believe the influence of our minds upon our bodies is powerful and at the same time crucial in the recovery from health problems.

A strong evidence of mind-body interaction was provided by Norman Cousins’s, a writer who,  in 1964  was diagnosed with a very serious type of destructive arthritis. He was told that he would die of that disease and the chances of recovering were one in five hundred. The writer had read about the damage caused in the chemistry of human body by negative attitudes and stress, and he thought that it would be a good idea to try the therapeutic effects of positive emotions. In this sense, he tried ‘Laugh therapy’ apart from the conventional treatment. The positive effects of that therapy appeared immediately and Norman Cousins showed  a complete recovery after a few years. What would have happened if this man would have tried just the non-conventional treatment? I believe our positive attitude helps in curing our illnesses, but conventional medicine has an important role, as well.

As another evidence of the power of mind over body, I have to mention my successful attempt to minimize pain as much as possible during two of my baby deliveries. I had read about the importance of keeping calm to accelerate the labour and how women sometimes delay the delivery because of a desperate state of mind. I thought that it would be a good idea to try mental concentration, blocking the pain waves that are transmitted to the brain. When I started the active labor which is marked by long, strong and regular contractions, I concentrated to neutralize the pain waves, avoiding them to reach the brain. My deliveries were incredible fast and without really painful contractions.

Negative attitudes can lead to death more rapidly than the actual disease. I knew the case of a man in his fifties who was diagnosed with cancer. After that, he decided not to fight neither to receive any treatment. He stopped eating, and in some weeks he died because of the negative attitude he had, not because of the cancer. 

To sum up, attitudes people have towards illnesses are crucial in the recovery from illnesses. I believe in the interaction mind-body and how pain can be diminished and almost eliminated through mental concentration. I also believe that even though non-conventional medicine, for example ‘Laugh therapy’ might have amazing results, conventional medicine has a very important role in recovery from health problems and it should not be replaced by non-conventional treatments.

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